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Genieße einfache & leckere rezepte der lidl wochenplan ist der praktische & individuell auf deine vorlieben abgestimmte essensplan für mehr leichtigkeit, . Find russian translations in our english-russian dictionary and in 1,000,000,000 translations. look up in linguee linguee en ru. most common english queries, 1 to 200. Find english language now. visit & look for more results! find english language. relevant results on topwebanswers. The applicant further claimed that if an adjustment were to be made to its cost of natural gas on the domestic market, such adjustment should be based on either the (i) non-regulated gas prices available in russia or, (ii) the average export price of russian natural gas to the baltic countries, or alternatively (iii) on the basis of the actual cost of production of natural gas in russia plus a.