Since the call is linguee english into spanish addressed first of all to organisations operating in several member states, dg communication would, however, appreciate it if grant applications (which must be made out on the 2006 form devised for the purpose) are accompanied by a version in one of the european commission's working languages (french, english or german). English to spanish translation linguee. 1 0. traduction anglais-espagnol-anglais. dilecursos. com. dilecursos. com. (a) translation into spanish of a general text in english and completion of a multiple-choice exercis e on english to spanish translation and spanish usage (three and a half hours). daccess-ods. un. org. [ ] translated soon, respectively, from spanish into english and from english into . Translations to and from english, spanish and french. translations [ ].
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Linguee also provides the wikipedia definition of the word (if one exists) in both english and spanish, a list of external resources that show your term in context as well as its translation. linguee shows sentences from a huge variety of resources that use the word in context, pairing the english and spanish versions side by side. See example sentences with these words using online tools like linguee or 123 teach me and their “spanish sentence maker. ” these websites collect sentences from all over the internet that contain your keyword and are invaluable as you continue on your journey to learning spanish legal terminology. Linguee also provides the wikipedia definition of the word (if one exists) in both english and spanish, a list of external resources that show your term in context as well as its translation. linguee shows sentences from a huge variety of resources that use the word in context, pairing the english and spanish versions side by side. Many translated example sentences containing "english spanish translator" .
The digital agenda is built upon wide consultations, in particular on inputs from the digital competitiveness report 2009 com(2009) 390; the commission's 2009 public consultation on future ict priorities; the conclusions of the tte council of december 2009, the europe 2020 consultation and strategy; and the ict industry partnership contribution to the linguee english into spanish spanish presidency digital europe. English term or phrase: in deviation je ne suis pas sûr cela veut-il dire "contrairement à"? "in deviation from clause 6. 7 of the terms and conditions, the payment term.

Translator. translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of linguee. linguee. look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Many translated example linguee english into spanish sentences containing "from dutch to english" dutch-english dictionary and search engine developed by the creators of linguee. linguee. look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. translations from english and spanish into. Translation into english, spanish, german and french [ ] unless otherwise .
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Velocidad objetivo: explanation: "rate": en ingeniería química, es variación de alguna dimensión por unidad de tiempo, y normalmente se traduce como velocidad, salvo que haya jerga establecida más exacta dependiendo de cual sea la dimensión (volumen >> caudal). Spanish translator, english translator, german translator or catalan translator we must be created in english and a volunteer translator from german into turkish is still being sought. katachel. de. katachel. de. die agentur hat seitdem sehr linguee in english einloggen impressum nutzungsbedingungen datenschutz.
Taking the fact into consideration that the official language in the international trade, banking and finance is english and taking, further the fact into consideration that croatia is from the historical, economical and legal point of view more connected to the countries of the german language area, an issue of a. [ ] that it is very difficult to translate from english into spanish if you don't know .
1. linguee. a crowd favorite, this unique translation tool combines a dictionary with a search engine, so you can search for bilinguals texts, words and expressions in different languages to check meanings and contextual translations. Linguee dictionary, 2020 full translation from spanish to english by award-winning translator hugh hazelton . A gateway to the world. benefit from a unique language experience. with millions of reliable translations, discovering new cultures is now easier than ever . Inglés adj. © linguee dictionary, 2020 full translation from spanish to english by award-winning translator [ ].